Council of Europe

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You're Invited: Gender-Based Violence As a Barrier to Girls' Education Virtual Event

1 pm New York
Organizer: Together for Girls, Global Issues and Development at Global Affairs Canada (GAC)

You're Invited: Gender-Based Violence As a Barrier to Girls' Education Virtual Event

1 pm New York
Organizer: Together for Girls, Global Issues and Development at Global Affairs Canada (GAC)

On the International Day of the Girl Child, Together for Girls and Global Issues and Development at Global Affairs Canada (GAC) will host a virtual event: Gender-Based Violence as a Barrier to Girls’ Education – Perspectives from Canadian and International Partners. Join this event to learn more about the data, solutions and actions that are driving positive changes for girls’ education and empowerment, including in conflict and crisis-affected settings.

Register here.   View Event

Graines de Paix

Children in Cote d'Ivoire.
Children in Cote d'Ivoire wave during a Graines de Paix programme. 

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Building Statistical Evidence on Violence Against Children

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We are ten years from the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Goal 16’s target to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children (16.2). While the field of violence prevention has made great strides in collecting data, most countries still lack baseline and trend data on violence against children-related indicators, and as a result, cannot assess the level of investment need to this critical SDG target.

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Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Norms, Attitudes, and Beliefs

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This powerful systematic review uses rigorous methods to inform the very complicated, highly stigmatized and often hidden issue of sexual exploitation. It begins boldly: the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents (SECA) is a form of sexual abuse affecting the mental and physical health of millions of young people worldwide. SECA is a huge challenge for the field of violence prevention because it is under-reported; related, accurate prevalence figures remain unknown.

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Ujana Salama (Safe Youth): The Cash Plus Programme

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Adolescents in Tanzania face a myriad of challenges, such as school drop-out, early pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections including HIV, and violence, abuse and exploitation. Lack of economic opportunities further hinders adolescents’ safe transition to adulthood. Years of evidence have shown social protection in the form of cash transfers can positively influence youth well-being, but it is not sufficient to overcome the many inter-related risks associated with adolescence.

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