
Catalyzing Joint Actions to Mitigate Covid-19 Impact on Children

10-11:30 am New York
Organizer: Arigatou International

Catalyzing Joint Actions to Mitigate Covid-19 Impact on Children

10-11:30 am New York
Organizer: Arigatou International

The Roundtable is co-organized by Arigatou International, the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty (TBC), the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children, Religions for Peace, UNICEF and World Vision International to discuss COVID-19 impact on violence against children and poverty; and to empower children to fully participate in the decisions and programs that affect them. Through inter-generational dialogue between people of different cultures and beliefs, children will be at the centre of the discussions fostering their ethical reflections about the world, their interconnectedness and sense of belonging to a global community. The Objectives of the roundtable are:

  • To reflect on the impact of COVID-19 on the well-being of children; 
  • To identify and discuss recommendations addressing the underlying issues impacting children’s well-being; 
  • To catalyse joint-actions and compelling responses that will be highlighted, including concrete actions to be implemented. 

Introduction and opening remarks:

  • Mr. Kul Gautam, Fomer Deputy Executive Director UNICEF, Chair, Arigatou International Advisory Group
  • Rev. Keishi Miyamoto, President Arigatou International 

Dialogue with children


  • Rvd. Julio Murray
  • Rabbi David Rosen
  • Muslim Religious Leader and Dr. Isabel Phiri, Deputy General Secretary, World Council of Churches
  • Kul Gautam and Paloma Escudero, Global Director of Communication from UNICEF
  • Vinu Aram, President Shanti Ashram and Co-chair Arigatou International
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Together to #ENDviolence Solutions Summit Series Launch

8 am New York
Organizer: End Violence Partnership

Together to #ENDviolence Solutions Summit Series Launch

8 am New York
Organizer: End Violence Partnership

Please register for this high-level event to launch Together to #ENDviolence – a global campaign and Solutions Summit Series to inspire the end violence community and catalyse the political and financial commitments needed to end violence against children at home, at school, online and within communities.

As we enter the Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, this global campaign and Solutions Summit Series will showcase affordable, evidence-based solutions, elevate efforts to address violence against children in COVID-19 and post-pandemic planning and budgeting, and secure new political and funding commitments.

Learn more here.

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9 am Colombia
Organizer: UNICEF


9 am Colombia
Organizer: UNICEF

Es con mucho gusto que os invitamos para el lanzamiento de la Segunda Conferencia-Taller Regional sobre INSPIRE 7 Estrategias para prevenir y responder a la violencia contra niños, niñas y adolescentes. El lanzamiento es el primero de una serie de talleres sobre INSPIRE que realizaremos entre diciembre 2020 y marzo 2021, gentilmente apoyados por el gobierno de Colombia.

INSPIRE es un paquete de herramientas desarrollado para garantizar acceso a las soluciones de prevención y respuesta a la violencia en la infancia. INSPIRE identifica un grupo selecto de estrategias que han demostrado tener éxito en la reducción de la violencia, con un enfoque basado en evidencias para revitalizar y expandir los esfuerzos multisectoriales.

América Latina y el Caribe tienen una prevalencia muy alta de homicidios y violencia contra los niños, niñas y adolescentes, que repetidamente están expuestos a la violencia en la comunidad, en la escuela, en el hogar y online. Dichas vulnerabilidades se agravan aún más en el contexto de la COVID y de la migración en la región. La adaptación de las 7 Estrategias al contexto local es primordial para su implementación y éxito. Considerando las similitudes de la región, ustedes tendrán la oportunidad de conocer y aprender de las demás experiencias e intercambiar conocimientos dentro del marco de trabajo INSPIRE.

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Parenting & COVID-19 Convening of Donor Governments

9-11am New York
Organizer: End Violence Partnership, ECDAN, OAK Foundation, LEGO Foundatoin, UNICEF, WHO

Parenting & COVID-19 Convening of Donor Governments

9-11am New York
Organizer: End Violence Partnership, ECDAN, OAK Foundation, LEGO Foundatoin, UNICEF, WHO

The LEGO Foundation, Oak Foundation, the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children (End Violence), the Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN), UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) invite you to a Donor Convening to discuss the critical importance of parenting and identify ways to collectively and strategically expand resources for parenting support globally.

During this meeting, we will:

  • Discuss the critical role of parenting in the times of COVID-19
  • Provide a brief overview of evidence on parenting support interventions and how they can achieve multiple outcomes across the sustainable development goals
  • Discuss a proposed framework for collective action to achieve scale, accelerate innovation, and build evidence

Learn more here.

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Peace, justice and inclusion at the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic recovery

9:30-11am New York
Organizer: Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies

Peace, justice and inclusion at the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic recovery

9:30-11am New York
Organizer: Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies

This high-level event will bring together SDG16+ leaders to:

  1. Amplify the call for peace, inclusion and justice to serve as the engine of response and recovery efforts through strong and sustained political leadership.
  2. Promote a conversation on the links between the UN Common Agenda, SDG16+ and the rest of the 2030 Agenda.
  3. Identify policy, programming, and financial actions with the greatest potential for transformation.
  4. Strengthen the global mobilization for SDG16+ by shining a spotlight with new partnerships, initiatives, and actions.

The event will be co-sponsored by Costa Rica and the Netherlands in collaboration with the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive societies hosted by the NYU Center for International Cooperation.


H.E. Rodrigo Carazo, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations

H.E. Yoka Brandt, Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations

H.E. Maja Fjaestad, State Secretary, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Sweden

H.E. Hasina Safi, Minister of Women’s Affairs, Afghanistan

Mr. Bonian Golmohammadi, Secretary-General at World Federation of United Nations Associations

Ms. Lysa John, Secretary General, CIVICUS Ms. Wevyn Muganda, Coordinator for Mutual Aid Kenya

Ms. Celia Ouellette, Founder and Chief Executive, Responsible Business Initiative for Justice

Ms. Yasmin Sooka, Executive Director, Foundation for Human Rights in South Africa

Ms. Liv Tørres, Director of the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies (Moderator)

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The African Report on Child Wellbeing 2020: How friendly are African governments towards girls

Organizer: Africa Child Policy Forum (ACPF)

The African Report on Child Wellbeing 2020: How friendly are African governments towards girls

Organizer: Africa Child Policy Forum (ACPF)

On November 20, the ACPF will launch the African Report on Child Wellbeing 2020: How friendly are African governments towards girls?

This edition, the 6th in the series, is dedicated to girls and does three things. First, it provides a comprehensive continental analysis of the state of girls in Africa. Second, it assesses the performance of African governments in fulfilling their obligations to girls, using a robust proprietary statistical framework: The Girl-Friendliness Index, which we have adapted from the Child- Friendliness Index, developed by ACPF. Third, it relays the voices of girls, as heard in targeted multi-country qualitative studies carried out across Africa.

For additional information, also please visit the launch website using the link below:



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Beyond Masks: Societal impacts of COVID-19 and accelerated solutions for children and adolescents

9-10am New York
Organizer: UNICEF Innocenti

Beyond Masks: Societal impacts of COVID-19 and accelerated solutions for children and adolescents

9-10am New York
Organizer: UNICEF Innocenti

UNICEF Innocenti’s new report – Beyond Masks: Societal impacts of COVID-19 and accelerated solutions for children and adolescents, launching 19 November – offers a comprehensive picture of the health, economic, and social impacts of the pandemic, and its implications for children and adolescents. The report examines evidence from the current crisis and past health crises such as HIV/AIDS, SARS and Ebola to provide insights into the current one, and proposes proven and promising solutions.

This panel discussion, timed with the launch of the Beyond Masks report, comes at a moment when policymakers are asking deep questions about how to deal with the raging pandemic in many parts of the world while ensuring children’s health, education and well-being. In it, we delve deep into Beyond Masks to better understand how its findings can shape national and subnational policy responses and individual, family and community behaviors. With the COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of abating, there is an urgent need to find scalable and cost-effective solutions to the continued and deepening impact of the COVID crisis on the world’s youngest citizens.

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Freedom Rising Virtual Global Launch

5:00 pm, London
Organizer: The Freedom Fund

Freedom Rising Virtual Global Launch

5:00 pm, London
Organizer: The Freedom Fund

The Freedom Fund is thrilled to invite you to the virtual launch of Freedom Rising, our new initiative to build an anti-slavery movement led by women and survivors.

Unique and deeply transformative, Freedom Rising is a leadership and movement-building program that aims to equip and connect frontline women and survivor leaders in communities that are most affected by slavery.

Join us and special guests to celebrate the rise of a new generation of frontline leaders as they come together to advance the global fight against slavery.

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Educational measures to prevent risks associated with child self-generated sexual images/videos

2-4:30pm CET
Organizer: Council of Europe

Educational measures to prevent risks associated with child self-generated sexual images/videos

2-4:30pm CET
Organizer: Council of Europe

The increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) undoubtedly brings new opportunities for education, leisure and the development of interpersonal skills to children. While this is welcomed, it is necessary to understand that in this environment harmful behaviours are also on the rise, contributing to increased cases of online sexual exploitation and abuse of children. This can occur in the context of children sharing self-generated sexual images/videos with their peers. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that such content does not fall into the wrong hands and is not exploited by sexual offenders.

This webinar is organised in the framework of the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (18 November), which supports and promotes the organisation of international, regional, national and local activities raising awareness and opening discussions on the broad topic of sexual violence against children. This year's edition is Preventing risky behaviour by children: child self-generated sexual images and/or videos. The webinar will be held under the Council of Europe EndOCSEA @ Europe project, tailored to support member states to prevent and combat Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA).

This webinar will bring together high-level speakers and experts on the challenges raised by child self-generated sexual images and/or videos of children, with a key focus on the need for a comprehensive sexuality education.

Moderated by Ms Elda Moreno, Head of the Children's Rights and Sport Values Department, Council of Europe, the panellists include:

  • Ms Dunja Mijatović, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Ms Christel De Craim, Chairperson of the Lanzarote Committee
  • Ms Regina Jensdottir, Coordinator on the Rights of the Child, Head of the Children's Rights Division, Council of Europe
  • Ms Amy Crocker, Council of Europe independent consultant
  • Ms Maria Rosaria Centrone, Council of Europe independent consultant
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The fight for gender equality in Nigeria with Rahinatu Hussaini

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