Internet Watch Foundation

Internet Watch Foundation will continue developing its reThink Chatbot, an automated device that detects potential offenders and refers them to support through the Lucy Faithfull Foundation. By redirecting potential offenders to self-help programmes, this project will not only reduce the demand for CSAM online but also protect children from being victims of child sexual abuse. The chatbot will first be developed for pilot use in the United Kingdom with the potential for scaling up in other countries.


INTERPOL will bring the most advanced technology to investigators of online CSEA through its new DevOps Group Project. The initiative will facilitate research and development by an expert group of investigators, non-governmental organisations, academia, and information technology companies, and extend solutions to specialised officers worldwide via INTERPOL’s secure channels. Headquartered in France, this project has a global reach.

International Association of Internet Hotlines (INHOPE) (Global)

With support from Safe Online, the International Association of Internet Hotlines (INHOPE) launched the programme – ESCAPE – to develop automation and intelligence tools for faster classification of CSAM reporting. These tools will allow hotline analysts and law enforcement officers to focus on the most urgent cases of abuse, allowing professionals to reach those most in need of urgent support as soon as possible. Through this project, CSAM will be removed as soon as possible, preventing further circulation and re-victimisation of children. This project has a global reach.

Deafkidz International

DeafKidz International will develop DeafKidz Defenders, an interactive, accessible digital platform to help deaf children stay safe from online abuse and exploitation. Through educational games, children will learn to protect themselves from online risks, exploring what an inappropriate chat conversation might look like, the warning signs of abusers, and more. This game will reduce children’s vulnerability to exploitation while also promoting their resilience and self-advocacy. This project will be implemented in South Africa and Pakistan.

Canadian Centre for Child Protection (Global)

With support from Safe Online, Canadian Centre for Child Protection has advanced its existing technological solution, Project Arachnid, to improve automated detection of child sexual abuse material. Project Arachnid is processing tens of thousands of images per second, crawling sites across the web to detect and remove abuse material.


Ending violence against children while addressing the global climate crisis

8 am New York
Organizer: World Vision & ODI

Ending violence against children while addressing the global climate crisis

8 am New York
Organizer: World Vision & ODI

Join a webinar exploring critical connections between the climate change and violence against children agendas. The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and World Vision International partnered on the research paper “Ending violence against children while addressing the global climate crisis”, aimed at increasing awareness and attention to addressing these two issues together. This webinar will present the research findings, discuss connections between climate change and violence against children, and promote conversation on how tackling both issues can contribute to more sustainable impact for children. There will be time for Q&A.

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The Big Event for Mental Health

10:00 New York
Organizer: World Health Organization

The Big Event for Mental Health

10:00 New York
Organizer: World Health Organization

On World Mental Health Day, the World Health Organization is hosting an online global advocacy event around mental health. At this event, world leaders, mental health experts and celebrity guests will join the WHO Director-General to discuss how we can improve our mental health, and how to make mental health care accessible for all.

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Keeping our Children Safe with AI

7 am New York
Organizer: ITU & UNICRI

Keeping our Children Safe with AI

7 am New York
Organizer: ITU & UNICRI

Last year marked the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Yet, we are still failing to truly safeguard our children. The ascent of technology has led to more crimes being committed both in the real world and online with children falling victims to the worst predators.

According to the UN Office of Drugs and Crime, there has been a clear increase in the number of children being trafficked in recent years, with children now accounting for 30 per cent of all detected victims. UNICEF has indicated that, of the roughly 1.8 billion photos that are uploaded to the internet each day, around 720,000 are believed to be illegal images of children, while the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in the US has stated that the number of reports of URLs containing Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) has dramatically increased from 3,000 in 1998 to 18.4 million in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has also played a significant role in increasing the threat and risk of sexual exploitation of children, as both children and sex offenders found themselves confined in-doors and online for extended periods of time.

The potential of AI to support law enforcement and related authorities to prevent a wide range of forms of violence, exploitation and abuse is immense. Recently, for instance, facial recognition has been to identify missing children, while deep learning has help police to identify child abuse images on confiscated devices. Join us to explore how law enforcement and concerned authorities can use these and other applications of AI to safeguard our children and help us to identify the red-line between the need to ensure the safety of our children and the use of potentially invasive technologies by law enforcement. The Webinar will also launch a new UNICRI project supported by the Ministry of Interior of the United Arab Emirates to further explore these issues.

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Global Week of Faith in Action for Children

Organizer: Arigatou International

Global Week of Faith in Action for Children

Organizer: Arigatou International

Arigatou International and partners are organizing the Global Week of Faith in Action for Children, which will take place between 16 to 20 November 2020, culminating with the celebration of the World Day of Prayer and Action for Children, which marks Universal Children’s Day.

The Global Week will gather children and young people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds, religious leaders, representatives from civil society and faith-inspired organizations, and multilateral agencies and governments to dialogue, reflect, and take action towards ensuring children’s rights even in times of crisis.

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The Last Girl Abolitionist Awards 2020

8pm New York
Organizer: Apne Aap Women Worldwide and Apne Aap International

The Last Girl Abolitionist Awards 2020

8pm New York
Organizer: Apne Aap Women Worldwide and Apne Aap International

These awards are presented to leaders who are multi-faceted and courageous. They apply their resources around them, their time, and their skills to not only advance us in our struggle to end sex trafficking, but they do so in such creative and exemplary ways. It is so inspiring to watch them transform activism in their respective industries. The Last Girl honors those who stand by such girls and champion their cause. Past honorees have included Ashley Judd, Sybil Orr, Rosanna Arquette, Frieda Pinto, Fisk Johnson, Dorchen Leidholdt, Simone Monasebien. This year, our honorees are Gloria Steinem, feminist activist and writer, Ms Kaitlyn Bogyay, UN Ambassador, Cheryl Saban, Philanthropist , Vikas Khanna, Michelin Star chef and humanitarian, T Ortiz, human trafficking survivor and professional orator and the Team of Priya and the Lost Girls comic (Ram Devineni, Dipti Mehta, Syd Fini and Neda Kazemifar).


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