
UNCRC's 31st Anniversary Webinar

9:00 am New York time
Organizer: University of Leiden, University of Edinburgh, World Vision

UNCRC's 31st Anniversary Webinar

9:00 am New York time
Organizer: University of Leiden, University of Edinburgh, World Vision

On the 31st anniversary of the CRC, the Children and Youth Studies at the University of Leiden, University of Edinburgh and World Vision will host a webinar on shaping the global debate on implementing children's rights and ensuring that policy and practice are rights-based, empowering and inclusive. 

To join, please use the webinar ID 979 1714 4206.

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Together to #ENDviolence


Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls in Nicaragua: Lessons Learnt from 30 years of Research and Activism

Organizer: Global Women's Institute

Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls in Nicaragua: Lessons Learnt from 30 years of Research and Activism

Organizer: Global Women's Institute

20 years ago, the study Candies in Hell was carried out in León, Nicaragua, and revealed that 1 out of every 2 women had experienced physical violence by an intimate partner. The study helped support the passage of the first law against domestic violence in Latin America. In 2016, a new follow up study, Candies in Hell +20, was carried out in León using the same methods to see if the prevalence of violence against women had changed. The results showed enormous reductions in physical and emotional violence by partners, whereas sexual violence by partners stayed the same. The study also found a very high prevalence of sexual violence by non-partners.

Join a webinar presentation and discussion of the results from Candies In Hell +20 and lessons learnt from 30 years of research and activism, including reflections from the women's movement. English and Spanish translation provided.

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Still Unprotected – Humanitarian Funding for Child Protection

10 am New York
Organizer: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Save the Children, Child Protection Area of Responsibility

Still Unprotected – Humanitarian Funding for Child Protection

10 am New York
Organizer: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Save the Children, Child Protection Area of Responsibility

In 2019, the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Save the Children and the Child Protection Area of Responsibility published Unprotected, a report exposing shortfalls in humanitarian funding for child protection. With the global COVID-19 pandemic exacerbating risks to children’s protection it has become imperative to get an updated picture of state of child protection funding in humanitarian contexts, based on the latest data, including initial funding within COVID-responses. This month, they will launch a new report, Still Unprotected. 

This event will launch the new report and discuss its critically important findings.

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Evidence & Gap Map

Why We Like This Piece

Evidence & Gap Maps (EGM) are a useful tool for development decision-makers looking to see what evidence exists to inform policies and programmes. For funders and researchers, these maps show where more investments are needed or where they can avoid duplicating existing research.

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Preventing Abuse and Neglect in Our Lifetime: a virtual conference

Organizer: The New York Foundling and The US Initiative to End Corporal Punishment

Preventing Abuse and Neglect in Our Lifetime: a virtual conference

Organizer: The New York Foundling and The US Initiative to End Corporal Punishment

From Thursday, October 15 to Friday, October 16, 2020, the New York Foundling and The US Initiative to End Corporal Punishment are holding a conference to discuss:

  • The latest research trends in corporal punishment
  • How to implement a NoHitZone
  • Prevention of child psychological maltreatment
  • What's new in child sexual abuse prevention
  • And more!
Learn more.   View Event


Girl in Ecuador.

Belen, age 16, participates in an indigenous ceremony in Ecuador.

This piece is the third in the real-time learning series from the ongoing Leadership Development Programme.

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UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti

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