
The Educate for Equality: UNGEI@20 Forum

Organizer: UNGEI

The Educate for Equality: UNGEI@20 Forum

Organizer: UNGEI

The Educate for Equality: UNGEI@20 Forum will host a series of curated documentary-like sessions led by UNGEI partners, followed by intergenerational  ‘real talks’ led by activists, experts and influencers to unpack the issues raised, answer questions and advocate for specific actions to drive progress for gender equality in and through education.  

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Huddersfield University (Global)

None in Three through the University of Huddersfield will develop an immersive, prosocial computer game, Emilio, to prevent online CSEA. Based on empirical research and evaluated through clinical trials, Emilio will target young males who are at risk of perpetrating online abuse. Participants will play in therapeutic settings (such as young offenders’ institutions, youth centres, schools and colleges), while also engaging in discussion sessions as they complete different stages of the game.

Child Rescue Coalition (Global)

Child Rescue Coalition will implement Project NEMESIS: Justice Through Technology, to automate the handling of evidence – including chat logs, data and videos – for live streaming abuse cases. Because mobile applications are often used to share CSAM and groom children, this solution will also help collect data against suspects with a sexual interest in children. Through this project, Child Rescue Coalition will help law enforcement design a secure interface to rescue more children and identify more offenders. Headquartered in the United States, this project has a global reach.

Thorn (Global)

Supported by Safe Online's investments, Thorn has accelerated the development of their artificial intelligence classifiers, which are working to automate the detection of CSAM. Through this project, Thorn aimed to create a global standard for labelling, connecting and organising the world's data to help to identify victims faster – and ultimately, to stop the viral spread of CSAM across the globe. Headquartered in the United States, this project has a global reach. 

University of Kent

University of Kent will prevent online child sexual exploitation and abuse of children in Thailand and Cambodia by educating them about online child sexual exploitation and trafficking through a culturally sensitive digital "serious" game. This game has built-in evaluation and at-source reporting, helping children build the skills they need to protect themselves in a safe digital environment. 

University of Bristol (Regional)

Researchers at the Universities of Bristol and Lancaster will enhance iCOP, the research team's artificial intelligence software. iCOP was created to flag new or previously unknown child sexual abuse material, and iCOP 2.0 will extend the software's reach to Southeast Asia. The project will also work with these law enforcement officers to use iCOP and strengthen their response to online child sexual abuse cases. 

The core functions and main components of the iCOP 2.0 toolkit will be as follows:

Tech Matters

With support from Safe Online's investements, in 2020 and now in 2022, Tech Matters is continuing to develop its project ‘Aselo: Bringing Modern Technology to Child Helplines’ – a customizable, open-source, contact center platform that allows children and youth to reach out to helplines via voice, SMS, webchat, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. It  includes automation of reporting of online child sexual abuse materials, providing children with the tools needed to protect themselves online. The project will also facilitate automated reporting of CSAM to national portals and law enforcement.

Suojellaan Lapsia Ry (Global)

Suojellaan Lapsia Ry will develop and launch ReDirection, an evidence-based self-help programme working to prevent the consumption of CSAM on the Dark Web. By providing targeted support for these individuals, the project will also reveal new information about these searchers and their pathways to CSAM access and use. This programme builds on the Finnish government’s accredited New Direction rehabilitation programme for sex offenders. Headquartered in Finland, this project has a global reach.

Project VIC International

Project VIC International will continue developing its KATALYST programme, which aims to boost countries’ technological and investigative capacity to combat online crimes against children. By working with local law enforcement, KATALYST will improve forensic and victim identification capabilities, and facilitate collaboration between national law enforcement teams and international partners to ensure the safety of children online. This project will be implemented in India, with the potential for scale-up in many other countries.

Population Foundation of India

Population Foundation of India will sustain SnehAI: A Companion to Empower and Protect to equip adolescents with tools, information and resources to identify and report online CSEA in India. This project, which functions as an artificially intelligent chatbot, was designed with adolescents themselves – providing them with a safe, trusted online space for education and information. This project is being implemented in India.

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