
Shifting Gender and Social Norms to Address SRGBV: Strategies and Promising Approaches

Speaker: 8:30 am New York

Shifting Gender and Social Norms to Address SRGBV: Strategies and Promising Approaches

Speaker: 8:30 am New York

Gender-based discrimination, harmful social and gender norms, and stereotypes are drivers of violence that are exacerbated during a pandemic. Ensuring protection from physical, psychological, and sexual violence remains a critical part of providing a safe and gender-responsive learning environment, particularly as schools reopen.

In this context, and grounded in the global campaign 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-Based Violence, panelists will explore issues relating to shifting social and gender norms in communities and in schools.

Join this interactive discussion to learn more about promising strategies and approaches to addressing drivers of school-related gender-based violence across diverse contexts.


UNESCO Eswatini

Concern Worldwide

VVOB - Education for Development

Education International

Gender at Work

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Child-centred indicators for violence prevention report launch

4:00pm-5.30pm AEDT
Organizer: Young and Resilient Research Centre at Western Sydney University, the City of Valenzuela, the Child Protection Network, End Violence Lab

Child-centred indicators for violence prevention report launch

4:00pm-5.30pm AEDT
Organizer: Young and Resilient Research Centre at Western Sydney University, the City of Valenzuela, the Child Protection Network, End Violence Lab

Please join the Young and Resilient Research Centre at Western Sydney University, the City of Valenzuela (Philippines), the Child Protection Network (Philippines) and the End Violence Lab and Partnership to launch Child-centred indicators for violence prevention: A summary report on a Living Lab in the City of Valenzuela, Philippines.

Globally, up to one billion children are subject to violence each year. As the global community intensifies violence reduction and prevention efforts, how will we know these are translating into meaningful change in children’s everyday experiences? This project worked with children and other key stakeholders in the City of Valenzuela, Philippines, to co-design child-centered indicators for measuring the impacts of violence prevention on children themselves, on their own terms. These indicators are designed to complement the WHO’s INSPIRE measurement framework. Join us to hear about the process of developing the child-centred indicators and to learn how they can be used.

Speakers include:

  • Professor Bernadette Madrid, Executive Director, Child Protection Network Foundation, Philippines  
  • Dr Catherine M. Maternowska, Data, Evidence and Learning Lead, Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children
  • Professor Amanda Third, Co-Director, Young and Resilient Research Centre, Western Sydney University
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Swansea University – Project DRAGON-S

Swansea University's Project DRAGON-S (Developing Resistance Against Grooming Online – Spot and Shield) will offer tools based on integrating AI/Linguistics that enable law enforcement to spot online grooming content in real-time. The project will impart specialist knowledge through a learning portal and chatbot to strengthen professionals’ abilities to shield children from online grooming.

Headquartered in Wales and in partnership with an organisation based in France, DRAGON-S has a genuinely global reach.

Faith Actors' Involvement in the Prevention, Elimination and Perpetuation of Violence Against Children

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Ending Violence Against Children Hub Evidence Guide (JLI)

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Growing Up Great! Guidance

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Addressing Violence Against Children: Mapping the Needs and Resources in Eight Cities across the World

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WHO Social Determinants of Health Webinar: COVID-19, social determinants and violence

10-11am New York
Organizer: World Health Organization

WHO Social Determinants of Health Webinar: COVID-19, social determinants and violence

10-11am New York
Organizer: World Health Organization

This webinar on COVID-19, social determinants and violence will explore how violence is a significant contributor to human suffering and how the societal responses to COVID-19 such as stay-at-home measures, workplace and school closures, and restrictions on sales of alcohol highlight the interrelationships between social determinants and violence. These complex inter-relationships will be explored, and their implications unpacked to suggest likely future trends in the prevalence of violence and its prevention.

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ACT NOW FOR CHILDREN: How a Global Pandemic is Changing their Lives

8-9:30am New York
Organizer: World Vision

ACT NOW FOR CHILDREN: How a Global Pandemic is Changing their Lives

8-9:30am New York
Organizer: World Vision

The virtual panel will convene in the context of 31st Special Session of the UN General Assembly on COVID-19.

World Vision sought to listen to children and learn directly from them about their experiences at home during the COVID-19 global pandemic. A consultation with over 1,000 children across 50 countries provide an insight into the increased risk of violence against children and how the global health emergency has exacerbated some issues children were already facing, such as early child marriage, labour and violence were girls, in particular, are mostly affected.

We have also learned about children resilience in the current context. Additionally, how children are modelling practices that are contributing to their communities through support and encouragement.

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