ACT NOW FOR CHILDREN: How a Global Pandemic is Changing their Lives

Date: Dec 01, 0020
Time: 8-9:30am New York
Address: Online
Organizer: World Vision

The virtual panel will convene in the context of 31st Special Session of the UN General Assembly on COVID-19.

World Vision sought to listen to children and learn directly from them about their experiences at home during the COVID-19 global pandemic. A consultation with over 1,000 children across 50 countries provide an insight into the increased risk of violence against children and how the global health emergency has exacerbated some issues children were already facing, such as early child marriage, labour and violence were girls, in particular, are mostly affected.

We have also learned about children resilience in the current context. Additionally, how children are modelling practices that are contributing to their communities through support and encouragement.

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