
How Can I Help My Child? An online workshop for parents and carers

Organizer: Marie Collins Foundation

How Can I Help My Child? An online workshop for parents and carers

Organizer: Marie Collins Foundation

MCF is dedicated to supporting victims of online child sexual abuse and exploitation. The foundation advocates for children who have suffered from online abuse so that they are able to recover and live safe and fulfilling lives. It has grown to become a dedicated team of specialists who support those harmed online through direct work with children and their families and advising professionals and governments at local, national and international level.

In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to explore, in a safe environment,

  • What online harm is
  • Ways you can effectively help and support your children
  • Understand why and how children can become victims, and
  • How your response can be vital in enabling your child to recover.

This workshop will take place three times, including: 

  • 12th April 2021 10.00am - 11.30am
  • 19th May 2021 1.00pm - 2.30pm
  • 17th June 2021 7.00pm - 8.30pm
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Straight Talk About the Harms of Corporal Punishment

2-3pm Chicago
Organizer: The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

Straight Talk About the Harms of Corporal Punishment

2-3pm Chicago
Organizer: The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

This webinar addresses the myths and harms associated with corporal punishment. Clinicians often dread conversations regarding spanking, but parents are often relieved to know they have alternatives. Corporal punishment is a public health issue and important in preventing child maltreatment. Educating parents and other adults on safe and effective ways of parenting is essential for the health and wellbeing of all children.

Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will be able to distinguish the of myths about spanking.
2. Participants will be able to describe the latest research regarding the harms of corporal punishment.
3. Participants will review resources for safe and effective parenting.

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End Violence Knowledge Platform Open Session (1 of 2)

9am Geneva
Organizer: End Violence Partnership
Speaker: Catherine Maternowska

End Violence Knowledge Platform Open Session (1 of 2)

9am Geneva
Organizer: End Violence Partnership
Speaker: Catherine Maternowska

The End Violence Partnership Knowledge Platform is a place to explore the latest evidence, research and data critical to ending all forms of violence against children. This event will be a guided tour through the Knowledge Platform and will assess the knowledge gaps in Pathfinding countries through interactive dialogue.

Check back soon for the registration link for this event.

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Feminist leadership: Steering a course for gender equality in and through education

1pm London
Organizer: UNGEI & Gender at Work

Feminist leadership: Steering a course for gender equality in and through education

1pm London
Organizer: UNGEI & Gender at Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and exacerbated existing inequalities within our societies. The need for inclusive and intersectional feminist leadership is more urgent than ever. When quality, safe, gender-responsive and inclusive education is available to all, it has the potential to transform our societies and reverse inequalities.

A joint learning event from the UN Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI) and Gender at Work (G@W), this intergenerational panel discussion will offer a space for learning and exchange around implementing feminist practices and principles, lessons learned through feminist leadership in the context of COVID-19, and identifying priority areas and recommendations to steer a course, through feminist leadership, towards gender equality in and through education.

Feminist and education activists representing Transform Education, a young feminist led coalition hosted by UNGEI, Education International, ActionAid, Gender at Work and more will be invited to speak about their experiences of feminist leadership through the COVID-19 pandemic, the opportunities for feminist leadership to catalyse transformative change in this moment, and the implications for education.

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Addressing Online Sexual Exploitation & Abuse: A Call for International Standards

Organizer: Equality Now

Addressing Online Sexual Exploitation & Abuse: A Call for International Standards

Organizer: Equality Now

Equality Now’s legal research on the definition and prosecution of online sexual exploitation and its intersection with digital rights, facilitated by TrustLaw, the Thomson Reuters Foundation’s global pro bono service, confirmed that international and national legal instruments have simply not kept pace.

The prosecution of online sexual exploitation and abuse, and in particular, removal of online sexual exploitation and abuse from online platforms, often comes into tension with digital rights, particularly, freedom of expression and privacy. International standards providing for online sexual exploitation and abuse will not only address the gendered and multi-jurisdictional nature of online sexual exploitation and abuse but will provide certainty when balancing digital rights and online sexual violence and abuse.

Hear from Equality Now and governments, international bodies, civil society and tech speaking to the gendered, technological and legal aspects of online sexual exploitation and abuse, their perspectives on the key findings and recommendations from Equality Now’s Report, and the efficacy of adopting international standards.

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Anti-Racism Live Global Digital Experience

1:30pm London
Organizer: Peace One Day

Anti-Racism Live Global Digital Experience

1:30pm London
Organizer: Peace One Day

In 1999, the non-profit Peace One Day established an annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence, fixed as 21 September, on the UN International Day of Peace - Peace Day. Since then Peace One Day has worked to manifest awareness and action on the Day, resulting in a large-scale decrease in violence. It is clear that there can be no peace without a culture of anti-racism.

Peace One Day’s experience with Peace Day has led to this joint venture with the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: Anti-Racism Live Global Digital Experience, 21 March, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Objectives of the broadcast:

  • To raise awareness of the Day
  • To facilitate conversations that lead to a more diverse and inclusive world
  • To set out action points to help individuals and organisations engage with anti-racism
  • To establish the link between 21 March Anti-Racism Day and 21 September Peace Day, demonstrating that anti-racism is an essential requirement for peace.

Peace One Day will create a platform from which some of the world’s greatest thinkers on the issue of anti-racism may share their experience, seeking to inform, inspire and engage a global audience. Music from international artists and Words of Peace from some of the world’s leading actors will celebrate the spirit of Race Equality and Justice. Interviews and Panel Discussions with leading moderators will focus on transforming the theoretical into the practical.

The show will be streamed live on the 21st March from this website for free in the following languages: English, Arabic, French, Chinese, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese!

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Social and Gender Norms Related to Violence in Schools – Results of a Regional Research

9-1pm Paris
Organizer: Child Protection Hub & Terre des Hommes

Social and Gender Norms Related to Violence in Schools – Results of a Regional Research

9-1pm Paris
Organizer: Child Protection Hub & Terre des Hommes

Social norms influencing violence in schools, its forms, and prevalence are under-researched in South-Eastern Europe. In order to contribute to improved evidence, the Child Protection Hub has launched regional research in 2020 in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania and Serbia. The research methodology, developed by the International Institute for Child Rights and Development, was highly participatory and explored the forms of violence children experience in and around schools, its prevalence, but also what social norms are influencing these forms. Children also discussed are factors of resilience against violence. This research was done despite the COVID-19 pandemic: researchers worked around school closures, lockdowns, etc. to speak and discuss with children in a safe environment.

During this half-day event, we will be presenting the main findings of this large undertaking at an online conference. The national reports, as well as a regional synthesis, will be made available for participants as well. All speakers will follow the format of TED talks, i.e. speaking for a maximum of 15 minutes, in order to tell the audience about their findings. There will be three sessions of 3 presentations, followed by Q and A, during which the audience can pose questions.  Interpretation will be provided into Serbo-Croatian, Romanian, Bulgarian and Albanian languages and live captioning will be included.

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FGM/C is Our Issue Too: Voices from Asia

9-10:30am New York
Organizer: Asia Network to End FGM

FGM/C is Our Issue Too: Voices from Asia

9-10:30am New York
Organizer: Asia Network to End FGM

Featuring activists, researchers and survivors from across the region, our virtual event will showcase the latest research on FGM/C from Asia, including forthcoming prevalence data from the Philippines, potential trends towards a more harmful medicalised form of FGM/C, and best practices from across the region.

  • Chair: Ms Siva Thanenthiran, Executive Director of ARROW
  • Keynote Speaker: H.E. Ms Thilmeeza Hussain, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Maldives to the United Nations
  • Ms Claudia Cappa, Senior Statistics Specialist, UNICEF
  • Ms Fatima Allian, Programme Manager, Women for Justice in the Bangsamoro, Philippines
  • Prof Dato Abdul Rashid, Academic and Researcher in Public Health, Malaysia
  • Rena Herdiyani, Vice-Chairperson, Kalyanamitra, Indonesia
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Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action

4pm Nairobi
Organizer: The Global Child Labour Task Force, Plan International, the International Labour Organization (ILO), & the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Preventing and Responding to Child Labour in Humanitarian Action

4pm Nairobi
Organizer: The Global Child Labour Task Force, Plan International, the International Labour Organization (ILO), & the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Worldwide, an estimated 152 million girls and boys are in child labour, almost half of them, 73 million, work in hazardous child labour. The incidence of child labour in humanitarian crises is an imminent concern. The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to push millions more children into child labour.

However, there are great opportunities for the global community to act. In 2020, Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour achieved universal ratification – a milestone in reaching the Sustainable Development Goal and target to end child labour. This commitment can be accelerated in 2021, the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour.

The Global Child Labour Task Force, co-led by Plan International and the International
Labour Organization (ILO), within the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, has developed a toolkit to guide humanitarian actors and other agencies in the global community to effectively prevent and respond to child labour in humanitarian action.

The toolkit is based on evidence from multiple contexts includes practical tools and more than thirty case studies from Iraq, Jordan, Turkey or Syria to Niger, Burkina Faso and Myanmar.

Key recommendations are included in each part:

Part1: Why we should act on child labour in humanitarian action.
Part 2: Ensuring a quality response.
Part 3: Prevention and response programme actions.
Part 4: Core implementation actions.

- Opening Remarks
1. Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Coordinator
2. Francesco D'Ovidio,Officer in Charge for Fundamentals and Head of the Solutions and Innovations Unit, ILO (TBC)
3. Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen, CEO Plan International

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Preventing Family Violence with Gender-Transformative Parenting Programmes

9am New York
Organizer: The Prevention Collaborative

Preventing Family Violence with Gender-Transformative Parenting Programmes

9am New York
Organizer: The Prevention Collaborative

Parenting and caregiving programmes offer a promising pathway to improving gender inequality as well as preventing both intimate partner violence (IPV) and violence against children (VAC) in the home. In this webinar, the Prevention Collaborative highlights key findings and recommendations from parenting programmes that apply a gender-transformative approach to address IPV and VAC together and reflect on how this evidence has been used to strengthen interventions. This is the first webinar in a series about integrating IPV and VAC in violence prevention programmes.

Speakers include:

  • Lina Digolo, Senior Associate, Prevention Collaborative
  • Lauren Rumble, Gender Equality Principal Advisor, UNICEF
  • Alessandra Guedes, Gender and Development Research Manager, UNICEF
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