
Voluntary National Review Regional Webinar (2)

9am Bogota
Organizer: CSO Forum

Voluntary National Review Regional Webinar (2)

9am Bogota
Organizer: CSO Forum

The Civil Society Organisation Forum is hosting three upcoming webinars, aimed to help CSOs engage in the voluntary national review process through collective actions. These webinars will be hosted in three different time zones and adapted to specific regions: Africa, the Middle East, Europe and North America; Latin America and the Caribbean; and Asia and Southeast Asia. The events will include:

  • Opening remarks from the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children
  • Guidance and resources to help CSOs engage in the VNR process and strengthen government reporting on ending of all forms of physical, emotional and sexual violence against children in the VNR process
  • Sharing experiences from National CSO coalitions

Regional Webinar Dates & Times:

  • Regional Webinar 1 (in English) - Africa/Middle East/Europe/North America: 29th April at 8:00
  • EDT / 14:00 CEST
  • Regional Webinar 2 (in Spanish) - Latin America & Caribbean: 6th May at 10:00 EDT / 9:00 COT
  • Regional Webinar 3 (in English) - Asia/Southeast Asia: 6th May at 22:00 EDT/ 7th May 9:00 ICT

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Voluntary National Review Regional Webinars (1)

8am New York
Organizer: CSO Forum

Voluntary National Review Regional Webinars (1)

8am New York
Organizer: CSO Forum

The Civil Society Organisation Forum is hosting three upcoming webinars, aimed to help CSOs engage in the voluntary national review process through collective actions. These webinars will be hosted in three different time zones and adapted to specific regions: Africa, the Middle East, Europe and North America; Latin America and the Caribbean; and Asia and Southeast Asia. The events will include:

  • Opening remarks from the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children
  • Guidance and resources to help CSOs engage in the VNR process and strengthen government reporting on ending of all forms of physical, emotional and sexual violence against children in the VNR process
  • Sharing experiences from National CSO coalitions

Regional Webinar Dates & Times:

  • Regional Webinar 1 (in English) - Africa/Middle East/Europe/North America: 29th April at 8:00
  • EDT / 14:00 CEST
  • Regional Webinar 2 (in Spanish) - Latin America & Caribbean: 6th May at 10:00 EDT / 9:00 COT
  • Regional Webinar 3 (in English) - Asia/Southeast Asia: 6th May at 22:00 EDT/ 7th May 9:00 ICT

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Canada’s Children Deserve Protection from Violence: A Call to Action

12pm New York
Organizer: Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children

Canada’s Children Deserve Protection from Violence: A Call to Action

12pm New York
Organizer: Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children

The CCRC is thrilled to present this webinar with Dr. Joan Durrant and Dr Valerie Michaelson in honour of April 30, which is the Day to End Corporal Punishment. We know that there are so many people and organizations in Canada passionate about this issue, and we want to draw attention to how people can act.

Join us for an interactive webinar as we discuss why Canada should repeal Section 43, and how you can act to support this work.

Dr. Joan Durrant is a Professor of Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba. For 30 years, she has focused her research on understanding the drivers and impacts of punitive violence against children. She co-authored the Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth, which has been endorsed by more than 650 professional organizations in Canada. She was a member of the Research Advisory Committee of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children and has published many academic articles on corporal punishment and its prohibition. She co-edited Eliminating Corporal Punishment: The Way Forward to Constructive Discipline (UNESCO); Global Pathways to Abolishing Physical Punishment: Realizing Children’s Rights (Routledge); and Decolonizing Discipline: Children, Corporal Punishment, Christian Theologies and Reconciliation. Joan is also the Executive Director of Positive Discipline in Everyday Life, which provides training in a child-rights-based approach to parenting that is being implemented across Canada and in more than 40 other countries around the world.

Dr. Valerie Michaelson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Sciences at Brock University. Her research is concerned with the health and well-being of children and adolescents, and the social determinants that shape their health trajectories. In one strand of her research, she focuses on social, cultural and religious norms that rationalize or normalize harmful health behaviours or attitudes, and that lead to deleterious health outcomes. This interest led her to initiate the SSHRC funded project that resulted in the writing of a Christian Theological Statement in Support of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action 6, which is to repeal Section 43 of Canada’s Criminal Code. With Joan Durrant, she co-edited Decolonizing Discipline: Children, Corporal Punishment, Christian Theologies and Reconciliation and has also been involved with other research studies that demonstrate the harms caused by corporal punishment and other forms of violence against children.

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Engaging Youth to Prevent Violence Against Children

12pm New York
Organizer: Public Health Agency of Canada

Engaging Youth to Prevent Violence Against Children

12pm New York
Organizer: Public Health Agency of Canada

As part of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children’s Together to #ENDviolence global campaign, the Public Health Agency of Canada is hosting a webinar series focused on efforts to prevent and address violence against children across Canada. This presentation will examine how addressing issues from a trauma- and violence-informed perspective can create safer spaces for youth. Cheyanne Ratnam, Faye Johnstone (Wisdom2Action), and Changich Baboth, Santana Palmer Thomas, and Tracey McIntosh (Justice for Girls) will offer practical takeaways to support meaningful youth engagement.

The webinar will be presented in English, with simultaneous interpretation in French, ASL and LSQ. The webinar is hosted by the Public Health Agency of Canada; however, views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

L’Agence de la santé publique du Canada organise une série de webinaires axés sur les efforts visant à prévenir et à contrer la violence envers les enfants partout au Canada. Ces webinaires sont organisés dans le cadre de la campagne mondiale Ensemble pour #Mettrefinalaviolence, dirigée par le Partenariat mondial pour mettre fin à la violence envers les enfants. La présentation examinera en quoi le fait de s’attaquer aux problèmes en adoptant un point de vue tenant compte des traumatismes et de la violence peut favoriser la création d’espaces plus sécuritaires pour les jeunes. Cheyanne Ratnam, Faye Johnstone (Wisdom2Action), et Changich Baboth, Santana Palmer Thomas, et Tracey McIntosh (Justice for Girls) présenteront des idées pratiques pour favoriser une mobilisation des jeunes.

Le webinaire sera présenté en anglais, avec des services d’interprétation simultanée en français, en ASL et en LSQ. Le webinaire sera organisé par l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada, mais les opinions qui y seront présentées ne reflèteront pas nécessairement celles de l’Agence.

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Report Box: Creating a CSAM reporting hotline

3:30pm Geneva
Organizer: INHOPE

Report Box: Creating a CSAM reporting hotline

3:30pm Geneva
Organizer: INHOPE

The INHOPE team will present the ESCAPE project and what Report Box is. The ESCAPE project (Funded by End Violence Against Children) represents INHOPE's vision to put an eco-system in place to ensure everyone globally can report child sexual abuse material (CSAM) encountered online. Report Box is the first step to creating a hotline, INHOPE has developed the software application for hotlines who wish to receive, store and process reports from the public on their website in a safe and secure environment. INHOPE has created Report Box so that you don’t have to create this yourself. We will also share our expansion plan to grow the network and ensure that any digital citizen that needs to can report online CSAM.

Join the webinar to learn more about the tool, how it functions, what the benefits are and how to get involved.

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Screening Tools that can Enhance Child Welfare Practice

4pm New York
Organizer: The Centre for Social Data Analytics

Screening Tools that can Enhance Child Welfare Practice

4pm New York
Organizer: The Centre for Social Data Analytics

The Centre for Social Data Analytics at Auckland University of Technology is hosting a webinar focused on how we develop decision aids to support front-line case workers use data to protect children, support families and improve equity.

Email vivienne.hunt@aut.ac.nz to register for this webinar.

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Reimagining Education to Keep Children Safe to Learn

9:15am New York
Organizer: Comparative and International Education Society & End Violence

Reimagining Education to Keep Children Safe to Learn

9:15am New York
Organizer: Comparative and International Education Society & End Violence

The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) seeks to contribute to an understanding of education through encouragement and promotion of comparative education and related areas of inquiry and activity. The 2021 conference theme is 'Social Responsibility within Changing Contexts' and will take place virtually April 25-May 2, 2021.

End Violence's Safe to Learn team will be hosting a panel session on 'Reimagining Education to Keep Children Safe to Learn' with the first five Safe to Learn grantees from Nepal and Uganda, and a Discussant from UKFCDO. The objective of the panel will be to showcase the achievements and outcomes of the five Safe to Learn projects, including how the projects addressed gaps and challenges at the country level, including innovative solutions focused around COVID-19.

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First Steps in Integrating VAW & VAC Programming: Practical Experiences from a Parenting & an IPV Programme

9am New York
Organizer: The Prevention Collaborative

First Steps in Integrating VAW & VAC Programming: Practical Experiences from a Parenting & an IPV Programme

9am New York
Organizer: The Prevention Collaborative

There is broad consensus on the need to integrate intimate partner violence (IPV) and violence against children (VAC) prevention efforts. But, what does this integration look like in practice? What does it take to design and implement programmes that effectively address both IPV and VAC?

Join The Prevention Collaborative for a conversation on the process, experiences, and challenges of (1) the ongoing integration of IPV prevention and gender into the Investing in Children and their Societies (ICS) Skilful Parenting Programme, and (2) inclusion of VAC in the Indashyikirwa couples IPV prevention programme.

Beatrice Ogutu, Director, ICS
Moureen Ochieng, Project Officer — Adolescent and Young People, ICS
Ritha Nyiratunga, Senior Associate, Prevention Collaborative
Erin Stern, Senior Associate, Prevention Collaborative

This is the second webinar in a series about integrating IPV and VAC in violence prevention programmes.

Watch the first part at https://prevention-collaborative.org/resource/preventing-family-violenc…

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Child Sexual Abuse and Prevention

12-1pm New York
Organizer: Future Leaders Initiative SL

Child Sexual Abuse and Prevention

12-1pm New York
Organizer: Future Leaders Initiative SL

This event, which is hosted by Sierra Leone-based End Violence member Future Leaders Initiative, is a call to action. We want young people, leaders, community stakeholders and parents to have the necessary preventive skills to protect their children from all forms of abuse.

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INSPIRE Series: Education and Life Skills

3:30-5pm Geneva
Organizer: INSPIRE Working Group

INSPIRE Series: Education and Life Skills

3:30-5pm Geneva
Organizer: INSPIRE Working Group

The webinar, the final in a series of eight webinars covering the INSPIRE strategies, will present the strategy “Education and life skills” in more depth and will include reflections on how they can be adapted for implementation in the time of COVID-19.

The eighth webinar will cover:

  • Overview of the strategy and brief overview of findings from the Global status report on preventing violence against children 2020
  • The Good School Toolkit
  • KiVa and its nationwide scale up and international implementation
  • NO Means NO Wordwide’s dual gender approach to preventing sexual and gender-based violence
  • Q&A session with the experts

Confirmed speakers for the webinar include: Christophe Cornu (UNESCO), Dipak Naker (Raising Voices), Christina Salmivalli (University of Turku) and Hind Essayegh (No Means No Worldwide). The webinar will be moderated by Alex Butchart (WHO).

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