
INSPIRE Series: Response and Support Services

2:30-4pm Geneva
Organizer: INSPIRE Working Group

INSPIRE Series: Response and Support Services

2:30-4pm Geneva
Organizer: INSPIRE Working Group

This webinar, the seventh in a series of eight webinars covering the INSPIRE strategies, will present the strategy response and support services in more depth. It will also discuss how this strategy can be adapted for implementation during COVID-19, and include discussions on trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy adapted to humanitarian settings, and more.

Confirmed speakers for the webinar include Michael Muwairwa (Transcultural Psychosocial Organization Uganda), Laura Murray (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health) and Anna Giudice (UNODC). The webinar will be moderated by Stephen Blight (UNICEF).

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Global progress towards non-violent childhoods: putting prohibition of corporal punishment of children into practice

8am New York
Organizer: End Violence Partnership

Global progress towards non-violent childhoods: putting prohibition of corporal punishment of children into practice

8am New York
Organizer: End Violence Partnership

In the majority of countries, the law still allows some degree of violence in child raising; 87% of children worldwide are not protected by law from corporal punishment in the home. Enacting prohibition fulfils children’s right to equal protection under the law, and most importantly sends a clear message that violent punishment is no longer acceptable.

The aim of prohibition is not to punish parents and others, but rather to bring about a cultural shift in how a society regards and treats its children. And there is growing evidence that when the law is well implemented this is indeed the effect. The number of states achieving this reform continues to grow: 62 have now enacted prohibition of corporal punishment in all settings of children’s lives, and 135 have banned corporal punishment in schools. How have they done it, and what have they learned?

This webinar will share experiences and approach from a range of countries that have decided to turn away from violent childhoods by prohibiting corporal punishment. It will include guidance for those just starting on this path, and explore how non-violent parenting can be supported and developed.


  • To show how prohibition of corporal punishment can be effectively implemented to bring about change, showcasing experiences from around the world, and sharing a new guidance briefing for governments and others.
  • To share information about how non-violent parenting can be supported and developed – building capacity and learning; calling for commitment and investment in parenting support.
  • To secure government commitments to prohibit and eliminate all corporal punishment of children.
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Prohibiting all corporal punishment of children: laying the foundations for non-violent childhoods

8am New York
Organizer: End Violence Partnership

Prohibiting all corporal punishment of children: laying the foundations for non-violent childhoods

8am New York
Organizer: End Violence Partnership

Corporal punishment – always a breach of children’s human rights – is the most common form of violence against children. Its very widespread social acceptance means that a level of violence in childrearing is normalised, entrenching children’s low status in society and paving the way for other forms of violence and mistreatment. It is associated with a wide range of short and long-term negative impacts, both for the individual and society as a whole.

These two high-level conferences make the case for accelerating progress towards universal prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment – as a human rights obligation and a moral imperative, but also as an effective and essential foundation for ending all violence against children.

For more information, please click here.

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COVID-19, Youth Livelihood, and Mental Health: A Global Youth Voice for Resilience and Recovery

9am New York
Organizer: TYCL International

COVID-19, Youth Livelihood, and Mental Health: A Global Youth Voice for Resilience and Recovery

9am New York
Organizer: TYCL International


Prior to COVID-19, mental health conditions already took the lives of young people worldwide. If necessary actions are not taken with better policy and practice, this public health crisis will put youth further into severe and prolonged psychological, social, and economic distress. Let’s learn from global experts and practitioners how we could address this issue best!

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Uniting for Adolescents during COVID-19 and Beyond

9-10:45am New York
Organizer: ECOSOC Youth Forum

Uniting for Adolescents during COVID-19 and Beyond

9-10:45am New York
Organizer: ECOSOC Youth Forum

Immediate action for improving adolescent well-being is critical. This event moves forward with a virtual dialogue of young people and Ministers discussing long-term priority solutions, as outlined in the worldwide Call to Action on Adolescent Well-being in the context of COVID-19 recovery.

This dialogue will focus on youth-led solutions and accelerated progress during this Decade of Action through innovative approaches, new partnerships, and a community working together for adolescents. Join us to ensure that no one is left behind. 

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Youth, Power and the Pandemic

11am New York
Organizer: Equitas

Youth, Power and the Pandemic

11am New York
Organizer: Equitas

Equitas is holding a panel discussion on Tuesday, April 27 at 11 AM, with Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth. Featuring young panellists who are promoting and protecting the rights of youth, these talks will focus on Youth, Power and the Pandemic, and how young people from all over the world are redefining social justice.

Jayathma Wickramanayake was appointed as the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth at the age of 26. She leads the UN’s youth engagement and advocacy efforts in sustainable development, human rights, peace and security, and humanitarian action, and was recognized by TIME Magazine in the list of “TIME 100 Next: Rising Stars Shaping the Future”.

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Celebrate the adoption of General Comment No.25

3pm London
Organizer: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and partners

Celebrate the adoption of General Comment No.25

3pm London
Organizer: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and partners

Join this webinar to celebrate the adoption of General Comment No.25, which sets out how the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child applies in the digital environment.

Introduced by:
Luis Ernesto Pedernera Reyna, Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

Keynotes from:
Professor Shoshana Zuboff, renowned author and Harvard academic
Baroness Helena Kennedy QC, Co-Chair, International Bar Association Human Rights Institute

Interactive session (including Q&A) - Baroness Beeban Kidron, Chair, 5Rights Foundation and 5Rights General Comment Steering Group - in conversation with:

Dr Philip Jaffé, Member, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child; and Co-ordinator of the General Comment No.25 Working Group
Mason Rickard, Tarique Kenny and Mairead Reid who, with other young people across the globe, contributed to the development of the General Comment
Professor Sonia Livingstone OBE, London School of Economics and Political Science, lead author of the 5Rights General Comment Steering Group

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Faith and Flourishing: Strategies for Preventing and Healing Child Sexual Abuse

Organizer: Harvard University & the Catholic University of America

Faith and Flourishing: Strategies for Preventing and Healing Child Sexual Abuse

Organizer: Harvard University & the Catholic University of America

From April 8 to 10, this landmark symposium is a marquee event for the April 8 World Day for Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Healing and Justice.

The event provides participants with a unique opportunity to engage with scholars, public health and mental health care professionals, child abuse prevention experts, and religious leaders of diverse faith traditions to share experiences, discover new resources and identify strategies they can implement to prevent child sexual abuse and foster healing for survivors of abuse in their communities.

Program overview

  • Live Zoom discussion session one-hour per day to network with other participants from your region to identify strategies your community and organizationcan take to prevent child sexual abuse and promote healing.
  • • A series of on-demand video presentations and leading experts in the field of child sexual abuse prevention, healing, and justice.
  • • Access to evidence-informed tools, trainings, and publications, and view examples of healing and prevention programs in action around the world.
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A Multidisciplinary Approach to Abusive Head Trauma

3:30-6pm New York
Organizer: ISPCAN

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Abusive Head Trauma

3:30-6pm New York
Organizer: ISPCAN

Module 4: Prevention & the Child Rights/UNCRC Perspective

ISPCAN the fourth and final module of our online training series, A Multidisciplinary Approach to Abusive Head Trauma (AHT). This one-of-a-kind event takes a global view of AHT across disciplines and examines the opportunities and challenges in preventing and addressing this pervasive and severe form of abuse.

Module 4: Prevention & the Child Rights/UNCRC Perspective features four, 20-minute presentations and an interactive Q&A discussion on these topics:

  • Prevention Strategies – Sue Foley, JP MAASW (Australia)
  • Policy Initiatives – Desmond Runyan, MD, DrPH (U.S.)
  • Global Partnership to End Violence Response/INSPIRE Strategies, Parent Support – Sabine Rakotomalala (Switzerland)
  • UNCRC Response – Roberta Ruggiero, PhD (Switzerland)

MEMBERS: $10 per module NON-MEMBERS: $25 per module Members, please log in to ispcan.org to get discounted pricing

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