FGM/C is Our Issue Too: Voices from Asia

Date: Mar 16, 2021
Time: 9-10:30am New York
Address: Online
Organizer: Asia Network to End FGM

Featuring activists, researchers and survivors from across the region, our virtual event will showcase the latest research on FGM/C from Asia, including forthcoming prevalence data from the Philippines, potential trends towards a more harmful medicalised form of FGM/C, and best practices from across the region.

  • Chair: Ms Siva Thanenthiran, Executive Director of ARROW
  • Keynote Speaker: H.E. Ms Thilmeeza Hussain, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Maldives to the United Nations
  • Ms Claudia Cappa, Senior Statistics Specialist, UNICEF
  • Ms Fatima Allian, Programme Manager, Women for Justice in the Bangsamoro, Philippines
  • Prof Dato Abdul Rashid, Academic and Researcher in Public Health, Malaysia
  • Rena Herdiyani, Vice-Chairperson, Kalyanamitra, Indonesia
Register here.