
Regional online conference to introduce the Council of Europe's New Pilot Training Module for Law Enforcement, Judges and Prosecutors to tackle online child sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA)

9:30-5:30 CET
Organizer: Council of Europe

Regional online conference to introduce the Council of Europe's New Pilot Training Module for Law Enforcement, Judges and Prosecutors to tackle online child sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA)

9:30-5:30 CET
Organizer: Council of Europe

This course is organised by the Council of Europe Projects EndOCSEA@Europe and CyberEAST and will be held online in English only.

The event will be attended by participants representing national training institutes and trainers for law enforcement, judges and prosecutors from various countries, which have a role in addressing OCSEA. The objective of the conference will be to promote key aspects of the training module which will be made available upon demand to Council of Europe member states to deliver training sessions in this area, including training for trainers, and/or improving or updating relevant national training curricula.

In order to attend, you need to copy the following link into your browser on the day of the event:


Please note the event is not open to the general public and is destined for the selected categories of professionals.

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Recognizing and Responding Safely to Child Maltreatment

1pm EDT
Organizer: Public Health Agency of Canada

Recognizing and Responding Safely to Child Maltreatment

1pm EDT
Organizer: Public Health Agency of Canada

As part of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children’s Together to #ENDviolence global campaign, the Public Health Agency of Canada is hosting a webinar series focused on efforts to prevent and address violence against children across Canada. Melissa Kimber, Harriet MacMillan and James Dietrich will discuss the Violence, Evidence, Guidance, Action (VEGA) online evidence-based educational resources, developed to assist healthcare and social service providers and students in recognizing and responding safely to family violence.

The webinar will be presented in English, with simultaneous interpretation in French, ASL and LSQ. The webinar is hosted by the Public Health Agency of Canada; however, views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

L’Agence de la santé publique du Canada organise une série de webinaires axés sur les efforts visant à prévenir et à contrer la violence envers les enfants partout au Canada. Ces webinaires sont organisés dans le cadre de la campagne mondiale Ensemble pour #Mettrefinalaviolence, dirigée par le Partenariat mondial pour mettre fin à la violence envers les enfants. Melissa Kimber, Harriet MacMillan and James Dietrich discuteront des ressources éducatives en ligne fondées sur des données probantes du projet Violence, Éléments factuels, Guidance, Action (VEGA), élaborées pour aider les fournisseurs de soins de santé et de services sociaux et les étudiants à reconnaître la violence familiale et à intervenir de façon sécuritaire.

Le webinaire sera présenté en anglais, avec des services d’interprétation simultanée en français, en ASL et en LSQ. Le webinaire sera organisé par l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada, mais les opinions qui y seront présentées ne reflèteront pas nécessairement celles de l’Agence.

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Addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and youth in care from a health equity perspective

12pm EDT
Organizer: Public Health Agency of Canada

Addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and youth in care from a health equity perspective

12pm EDT
Organizer: Public Health Agency of Canada

As part of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children’s Together to #ENDviolence global campaign, the Public Health Agency of Canada is hosting a webinar series focused on efforts to prevent and address violence against children across Canada. Dr. Delphine Collin-Vézina will speak about child protection reports during the pandemic, Dr. Melanie Doucet will share trauma-informed and ethical approaches to youth transitions out of child welfare, and Dr. Rachel Gouin will speak to the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on children and youth with disabilities and their families.

The webinar will be presented in English, with simultaneous interpretation in French, ASL and LSQ. The webinar is hosted by the Public Health Agency of Canada; however, views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

L’Agence de la santé publique du Canada organise une série de webinaires axés sur les efforts visant à prévenir et à contrer la violence envers les enfants partout au Canada. Ces webinaires sont organisés dans le cadre de la campagne mondiale Ensemble pour #Mettrefinalaviolence, dirigée par le Partenariat mondial pour mettre fin à la violence envers les enfants. Mme Delphine Collin-Vézina parlera des rapports sur la protection de l’enfance pendant la pandémie, Mme Mélanie Doucet expliquera des approches éthiques tenant compte des traumatismes lorsque les jeunes quittent le système de protection de l’enfance, et Mme Rachel Gouin parlera de l’incidence disproportionnée de la pandémie sur les enfants et les jeunes handicapés et leurs familles.

Le webinaire sera présenté en anglais, avec des services d’interprétation simultanée en français, en ASL et en LSQ. Le webinaire sera organisé par l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada, mais les opinions qui y seront présentées ne reflèteront pas nécessairement celles de l’Agence.

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Adapting evidence-based violence prevention programming

Organizer: Public Health Agency of Canada

Adapting evidence-based violence prevention programming

Organizer: Public Health Agency of Canada

As part of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children’s Together to #ENDviolence global campaign, the Public Health Agency of Canada is hosting a webinar series focused on efforts to prevent and address violence against children across Canada. This presentation will examine how evidence-based approaches to violence prevention can be expanded and adapted to meet the diversity of youth and communities across Canada. Claire Crooks will share strategies for those planning to adapt or adopt evidence-based practices.

The webinar will be presented in English, with simultaneous interpretation in French, ASL and LSQ. The webinar is hosted by the Public Health Agency of Canada; however, views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

L’Agence de la santé publique du Canada organise une série de webinaires axés sur les efforts visant à prévenir et à contrer la violence envers les enfants partout au Canada. Ces webinaires sont organisés dans le cadre de la campagne mondiale Ensemble pour #Mettrefinalaviolence, dirigée par le Partenariat mondial pour mettre fin à la violence envers les enfants. La présentation examinera comment les approches de prévention de la violence fondées sur des données probantes peuvent être élargis et adaptés pour tenir compte de la diversité dans la représentation des jeunes et des collectivités partout au Canada. Claire Crooks présentera des stratégies aux personnes qui planifient adapter ou adopter des pratiques fondées sur des données probantes.

Le webinaire sera présenté en anglais, avec des services d’interprétation simultanée en français, en ASL et en LSQ. Le webinaire sera organisé par l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada, mais les opinions qui y seront présentées ne reflèteront pas nécessairement celles de l’Agence.

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Experiences, interventions, and reflections for protecting children during a pandemic

3pm CEST/9am EDT
Organizer: Save the Children, End Violence Partnership, Terre des hommes, #CovidUnder19, Institute for Inspiring Children’s Futures and the COVID 4P Log App

Experiences, interventions, and reflections for protecting children during a pandemic

3pm CEST/9am EDT
Organizer: Save the Children, End Violence Partnership, Terre des hommes, #CovidUnder19, Institute for Inspiring Children’s Futures and the COVID 4P Log App

Save the Children, Terres des hommes, #CovidUnder19, Institute for Inspiring Children’s Futures and the COVID 4P Log App project invite you to a Solutions Summit Series affiliate event on innovating, adapting and increasing child participation to protect children during COVID-19. At the event, you will:

  • Hear directly from children and young people about their experiences during COVID-19.
  • Discover practitioners’ and policymakers’ successes, challenges and learning as they have been working to protect children.
  • Explore the adaptations and innovations made on the ground during the pandemic to reach children and families in need.
  • Elevate attention and contribute to discussions on effective and innovative ways to capture and record impact.
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The impact of COVID-19 on the risk of online child sexual exploitation and the implications for child protection and policing

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Safe: Preventing Gender-Based Violence in and Through Schools

12pm New York
Organizer: Together for Girls

Safe: Preventing Gender-Based Violence in and Through Schools

12pm New York
Organizer: Together for Girls

During this informative and engaging event, hear from global leaders, experts, survivors, and youth activists on evidence-based solutions to prevent and respond to violence in school settings.

We will be highlighting the latest data and evidence on violence that occurs in school settings, but also how schools can be an important arena for broader social change. Under the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, the discussion will focus on how to ‘build back better’ education systems and safe learning environments.

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Launch event: Role of Children's Clubs in Safeguarding of Children in Schools

10:30am New York
Organizer: Safe to Learn & the International Institute for Child Rights and Development

Launch event: Role of Children's Clubs in Safeguarding of Children in Schools

10:30am New York
Organizer: Safe to Learn & the International Institute for Child Rights and Development

This event will be the official launch of the Research Study on the Role of Children's Clubs in Safeguarding of Children in Schools. End Violence's Safe to Learn team, together with the International Institute for Child Rights and Development, will be hosting an interactive webinar to discuss the findings of the research, including benefits and contributors to success, the impacts of Children's Clubs, lessons learned and recommendations.

The event will also showcase the child-friendly version of the report, which is an interactive piece that supports children and youth to set up and maintain safe and supportive Children's Clubs.

Register for the event at the link below, and add the event link to your calendar.

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