
Centering the Experiences of Women in the Humanitarian Sector

10 am New York
Organizer: VOICE, Arab Institute for Women (AiW)

Centering the Experiences of Women in the Humanitarian Sector

10 am New York
Organizer: VOICE, Arab Institute for Women (AiW)

In the summer of 2019, an open-ended question was posted on a Facebook group for women in the aid sector, asking what challenges women faced working in humanitarian settings. Responses were overwhelming and disturbing. Following this, a group of women decided to collect this data in a more systematic way, drafting a survey that was then passed around social media.

Within five days, 600 women had responded. It was clear that women were eager to share their stories.

VOICE, in partnership with the Arab Institute for Women (AiW), is hosting a panel just after World Humanitarian Day to discuss women’s experience in the world of humanitarian aid and calling attention to the neocolonial ways in which aid is delivered, making it racist, distinctly non-feminist and anti-women. This conversation will center around how we envisage a new world with a feminist approach to delivering humanitarian aid and women-centered aid worker safety and security.

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Kempe Center International Virtual Conference

Organizer: ISPCAN and the Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect

Kempe Center International Virtual Conference

Organizer: ISPCAN and the Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect

For more than 40 years, ISPCAN and the Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect have shared a mission to end child maltreatment in all of its forms. Now, with the COVID-19 pandemic shining a light on disparities and inequities around the globe, they have partnered on this first-of-its-kind virtual conference that will bring together professionals across disciplines who want to create and mobilize change in child welfare and improve outcomes for families worldwide.

Organized to create community, connections, and relationships and to encourage curiosity and challenging traditional structures and ideas, we invite you to join those with lived experience; child welfare practitioners, supervisors, and administrators; legal, mental health, and medical professionals; community and neighborhood leaders; researchers; policymakers; advocates; and other thought leaders from around the world—expected to be 1,500 strong—in re-envisioning child welfare and how you can be a change agent in your nations and communities. 

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Arts in Education During COVID-19

9 am New York
Organizer: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Arts in Education During COVID-19

9 am New York
Organizer: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

This webinar will highlight how practitioners can harness the arts to enhance the COVID-19 response, and how art can be used to foster social-emotional learning, student and school community wellbeing while linking to other life-saving humanitarian sectors. 

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Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

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Global Threat Assessment 2019

The Global Threat Assessment 2019 is a key resource for the online safety space.

Why we like this

Created by the WePROTECT Global Alliance, this assessment was the first report of its kind – a global, comprehensive view of technological change, victim vulnerability, offender behaviour and the intersection point at which child sexual exploitation and abuse is most prevalent.

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Weighing the risks: School closure and reopening during COVID-19

9:00 am New York time
Organizer: The Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies

Weighing the risks: School closure and reopening during COVID-19

9:00 am New York time
Organizer: The Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies

The Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies is holding a webinar on the impact of school closure – and reopening – on children and young people’s protection and education. The webinar will also highlight the impact on COVID-19 transmission.

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INTERPOL (Disrupting Harm)

Disrupting Harm is a large-scale data collection and research project to better understand online child sexual exploitation and abuse across the world. This study is assessing the scale, nature and context of this issue in 14 countries across Southern and Eastern Africa and Southeast Asia.

ECPAT International (Disrupting Harm)

Disrupting Harm is a large-scale data collection and research project to better understand online child sexual exploitation and abuse across the world. This study is assessing the scale, nature and context of this issue in 14 countries across Southern and Eastern Africa and Southeast Asia.


COVID-19 and girls with disabilities: A safe, inclusive return to school

9:00 am New York time
Organizer: UN Girls Education Initiative

COVID-19 and girls with disabilities: A safe, inclusive return to school

9:00 am New York time
Organizer: UN Girls Education Initiative

As governments across the world seek to get education systems back on track following prolonged school closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the webinar brings a focus to learners with disabilities, and the particular challenges that girls face.

Featuring presentations from:

  • UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report
  • UNICEF East Asia Pacific Regional Office
  • Leonard Cheshire
  • VSO Nepal
  • Humanity and Inclusion (GATE-GEC Sierra Leone)


  • Nora Fyles, Head of UNGEI Secretariat
  • Nafisa Baboo, Senior Director Inclusive Education, Light for the World
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