Youth Coalition Against Gender-based Violence - SEMERERA

Semerera was founded in 2013 by young human rights advocates and community organizers who envisioned a freer and more inclusive Burundian society for all. The organization’s name SEMERERA is Kirundi word for « Speak Out » or « Denounce » and refers to the founders’ desire to empower local communities to take the lead in the denunciation of all forms of discrimination against vulnerable especially women, girls, and children. This is achieved, on the one hand, through awareness-raising campaigns, free legal support to victims of violence and the involvement of local communities, families, schools and other stakeholders in the fight against all forms of violence, negligence and abuses. On the other hand, we use capacity-building programs, and advocacy initiatives to contribute towards the removal of all barriers to girls' effective education. We strongly believe that women's rights are equally connected to children's rights. That's why we also run programs around women's leadership, and their socio-economic empowerment as key agents for positive change in the area of their children's protection and wellbeing.

Countries Involved