Hope for a better future(H4BF) Foundation

Hope for a Better Future (H4BF) is a nonprofit development organization dedicated to advancing women and girls, improving health, ending hunger, overcoming adversity, and making a real and measurable difference in people's lives. H4BF sees a world in which the most vulnerable people have the power to pull themselves out of poverty and create vital, healthy lives for their families and communities now and in the future. Guided by the basic principles of integrity, accountability, respect, and creativity. H4BF People join us because they want to make a difference, and we continue to make a difference together. We travel where the need is greatest, to Cameroon's poorest communities. We aim to guarantee that women and girls have control over their lives, that they are seen as leaders, that they have access to the resources they need to flourish, and that they live in safe communities where their rights are recognized.

Countries Involved