FEDA( Femmes et Education des Adultes)

FEDA (Femmes et education des Adultes) was established on September 8, 2007 on the occasion of International Literacy Day to meet the needs of providing education, awareness and income generation opportunities to women who, as a result of the conflict, have been denied education and now need support to help them rebuild their lives. FEDA recognizes education as a tool for transformation

FEDA is established under the provisions of Law N0. 004/2001 recognizing the creation of non-profit organizations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo .
FEDA is officially registered at district, provincial and national levels.

FEDA's vision is to provide education and income generation opportunities for women / girls to fight illiteracy, violence and extreme poverty

The mission of FEDA is: Increase social awareness on all SDG’s goals , Increase the education of the poorest girls, self-confidence and personality development, Promote gender equity, promote and defend women's and child rights, social and economic empowerment of women and the status of women in the community, enabling educational equality, decision-making, leadership and peace-building
FEDA values are: equal rights, equal treatment and equal opportunities.

Current FEDA activities and achievements include:

1. Literacy and vocational training for women and girls: From 2010 to 2021, 982 women and girls were literate through home based literacy learning and vocational trainings in the village of Kazimia, Kibanga, Buma, Kabogo and Nguma and 5 cooperatives created as part of economic empowerment for women and girls from the literacy leavers. Training in soap making and financial management of group resources, as well as a
start-up fund were made available to these groups with the support of the organization FEED THE MINDS (UK)

2. Education on HIV / AIDS prevention, sexual and reproductive health: From 2019-2021 A series of meetings are organized in these villages in terms of workshops and awareness-raising sessions, thus reaching 3,422 beneficiaries, mainly women and girls, with individual support from FEDA. . (Self-financing)

3. Support for the formal education of war and HIV-orphaned girls: To date, 48 orphaned girls are supported in different secondary schools in Kazimia and surrounding villages, two girls supported at ISTM university in medical studies graduated in 2020 and today 4 further girls are supported at the same university from this academic year 2021-2022 and onward With the support of VIVERE association in Switzerland.

4. Peace-building: (From 2015-2019) 400 people including local leaders,
women, young people including male and female, local structures benefited from the training of peacemakers, 20 well-established youth peace networks in 20 villages where participants at the training have been selected in order to integrate the culture of non-violence in their respective environments. All these achievements were supported by fellowship of reconciliation (UK), Robert Bosch Stitching (Germany) and African
capacity building foundation (Zimbabwe)

5. Assistance to the most persons at risk: FEDA provides charitable support to the older persons in the center of Kazimia, in particular: the construction of 4 houses and provision of living and medical assistance to the elderly left without assistance during armed conflicts with the support of the VIVERE organization in Switzerland.

6. Education and advocacy for the rights of women and girls: FEDA continues to work on gender-based violence and also works with law enforcement officials and the community on preventing and eradicating child early and forced marriage . FEDA collaborates with the Association VIVERE in the mobile military courts held in Kazimia to legally punish the perpetrators of sexual violence and it is since 2017.

FEDA won the British award for Africa development in 2015 and is a member of several international coalitions including: GBV prevention network (Uganda), Initiative for equality coalition (USA), Global women network for reproductive rights (Philippines), Coalition girls not bridges (UK), and Global alliance for the rights of older persons (UK)

FEDA is a small local women's organization in which women hold all
leadership positions and working with very limited resources

Countries Involved