ANPPCAN is a pan-African network that promotes child rights and child protection in Africa. Founded and based in Africa, and registered in Cameroon since 2009 our mission is to enhance, in partnership with others, the prevention and protection of children from all forms of maltreatment, thus, ensuring that the rights of children are realized. We do this through the Regional Office in Nairobi and the 26 chapters across Africa.

Together, we are dedicated to stopping all forms of child abuse and neglect in the continent.  Recognizing widespread situations of child abuse and neglect: the inadequacies of existing legal, socio-economic and institutional remedies: the common occurrences of armed conflict in some African countries including Cameroon: the underdevelopment and natural disasters which inflict great hardships on millions of Cameroonian children and youths; and mindful of the fact that no effort should be spared in the struggle for the proper and adequate upbringing of Cameroonian children and youths as a guarantee for Cameroon’s regeneration and future prosperity; and of other National and International efforts to improve the rights and welfare of the world’s children; a voluntary association affiliated to the “African Network on Prevention and Protection Against Child Abuse and Neglect” is hereby set up in Cameroon.

ANPPCAN Cameroon was founded in 2008 authorized by the government of Cameroon in April 2009 received the registration No. NW019 /E.29 /1111 / VOL.8 /APPB with headquarters in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon. ANPPCAN Cameroon came about as a result of the high level of child abuse and Neglect that was noticed in Cameroon especially with the marginalized and vulnerable children. ANPPCAN believes that women’s and children’s rights are central to ending poverty, building peace, and effectively tackling HIV/Aids and child marriage 

Countries Involved