Child Helplines and the Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Date: Jun 04, 2020
Time: 8 am New York
Address: Online
Organizer: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

As a response to the COVID-19 crisis, child protection actors and service providers are exploring how they can continue to provide support to children and families remotely through the use of technology. This includes child helplines.

The Alliance, the CP AoR, Child Helpline International and UNICEF are co-hosting this webinar to introduce the new guidance note and provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions and share their experience.

This technical note has been developed with two main objectives:

  • To provide practical guidance to child protection actors and service providers, including government departments, (I)NGOs, CSOs and UN agencies and child protection coordination groups on how they might provide support to children and families through a helpline service; or by collaboration with an existing national child helpline;
  • To explore how existing child helplines can contribute to, and participate in, efforts to support children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic, through child protection mechanisms and systems. This includes expanding their services, and with a view to avoiding duplication.
Register here.