Voluntary National Review Lab

Date: Jul 15, 2020
Time: 7:30 am New York
Address: Online
Organizer: Office of the SRSG-VAC, UNICEF

Governments across all regions are using the SDG targets related to children to spur accelerated actions towards ending poverty, ensuring healthy lives, increasing access to quality education, achieving gender equality, promoting child participation, and eliminating all forms of violence. This VNR Lab aims to encourage Governments to report on the SDG targets related to children in their VNRs by sharing positive examples from Member States.

The Lab will highlight how inclusive and participatory VNR processes can help ensure that children’s wellbeing and protection is at the centre of national development planning and accelerate progress towards reaching the SDGs. The Lab will also draw attention to the need to maintain national budgets for the health, education and protection of children from violence, even in the face of the global economic crisis created by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Objectives of VNR Lab:

  • Clearly demonstrate the elements of a child sensitive and inclusive VNR;
  • Share promising practices and approaches from a regionally diverse range of Member States and experts;
  • Highlight linkages between children’s rights, including to protection from violence, and effective systems of social protection;
  • Equip Member States and partners with tools to bring child rights, data and voices into VNRs.
Register here.