VNRs and International Human Rights Mechanisms

Date: Jul 13, 2020
Time: 8:00 am New York
Address: Online
Organizer: United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations

This VNR lab will create a space to discuss the benefits of linking up Voluntary National Reviews with the national reporting to and engagement with international human rights mechanisms (Treaty Bodies, Universal Periodic Review, Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council).

Systematic engagement between the VNR process and other relevant reporting processes at the national level can lead to concrete benefits, such as improving the quality of the reports (notably on the realization of the principle of leaving no one behind), easing reporting burdens for Member States, increasing participatory nature of the exercise by engaging new stakeholders, and taking account of issues such as inequality, discrimination, rule of law in the VNRs.

Given that the 2030 Agenda is explicitly grounded in human rights, the work conducted under international human rights mechanisms is a source of relevant national information on the status of implementation and of guidance that can assist to maintain or accelerate progress. The lab will provide an opportunity for participating countries and other stakeholders to exchange relevant experience and learn about useful tools that can support linking up the VNRs with human rights reporting.

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