Unite for a Better Life: Leveraging Podcasts to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence

Date: Jan 28, 2021
Organizer: The Prevention Collaborative

In this webinar, Dr. Vandana Sharma and Machrine Birungi will highlight good practices and challenges from developing and testing the Unite for a Better Life (UBL) podcast series to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) in a Somali refugee setting.

The UBL podcast series is an innovative, gender-transformative programme that builds on the Somali tradition of storytelling. Podcast episodes, including dramas, interviews, and debates, were co-created by Somali refugees and broadcast at listening centres in the Bokolmayo refugee camp along the Ethiopia-Somalia border. The UBL podcast series includes a total of 16 episodes that address gender, healthy sexuality, conflict resolution, household task-sharing, substance use, and sexual harassment.

This is the final webinar in a three-part series about UBL.

Watch the first webinar at: https://prevention-collaborative.org/resource/preventing-ipv-in-rural-e…

Watch the second webinar at: https://prevention-collaborative.org/resource/unite-for-a-better-life-a…

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