INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children training series: NORMS AND VALUES

Date: Feb 05, 2021
Time: 3:30pm Geneva
Address: Online
Organizer: World Health Organization

This webinar, the third in a series of eight webinars covering the INSPIRE strategies, will present the strategy “Norms and values” in more depth and will include reflections on how they can be adapted for implementation in the time of COVID-19. Topics covered include:

  • Overview of the strategy and brief overview of findings from the Global status report on preventing violence against children 2020
  • Community mobilization interventions: SASA! example
  • Gender and social norms change interventions
  • Communications for development strategies to address violence against children
  • Q&A session with the experts

Speakers include:

  • Greta Massetti (US CDC)
  • Yvette Kabale (Raising Voices Uganda)
  • Suruchi Sood (Drexel University)
  • Dean Peacock (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom)

The webinar will be moderated by Nicolas Makharashvilli (Columbia University).

Register here.