INSPIRE: Seven strategies for ending violence against children training series: IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF LAWS

Date: Jan 19, 2021
Time: 3:30pm Geneva
Address: Online
Organizer: World Health Organization

Following the introductory webinar held in December 2020, this second in the series will present the first INSPIRE strategy “implementation and enforcement of laws” in more depth.

On 19 January 2021 from 15h30-17h00 CET this second webinar will cover:

  • Overview of the strategy and brief presentation of relevant findings from the Global status report on preventing violence 2020
  • Implementation and enforcement of laws reducing access to alcohol and guns
  • Global efforts to reach prohibition of corporal punishment in all settings
  • Implementation and enforcement of laws to end sexual abuse and exploitation of children

Q&A session with the experts Confirmed speakers for the webinar include Anna Giudice (UNODC), Richard Matzopoulos (Medical Research Council of South Africa) and Sonia Vohito (Global Partnership to End Violence against Children). The webinar will be moderated by Stephen Blight (UNICEF). 

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