Facilitating Gender Transformation: Finding, training and supporting community facilitators to prevent violence against women

Date: May 19, 2020
Time: 8:30 am New York
Address: Online
Organizer: The Prevention Collaborative

Successful programmes to prevent violence against women and girls are transformative. They enable deep shifts in thinking, beliefs and behaviour as participants critically reflect on their own life experiences and address power and gender inequality. Key to these programmes’ success is the presence of empathetic and skilled facilitators, able to promote shifts in perspective and new insights around power and gender. They are able to do this as they support community members to explore their own feelings and ideas, and to find their own answers.

Join the Prevention Collaborative to discuss best practices in selecting, training and supporting community facilitators for transformative programming to prevent VAW. The webinar will include case studies from Timor-Leste’s KOKOSA! programme, and from Indashyikirwa in Rwanda.

Dominique Maidment, Prevention Mentor with the Prevention Collaborative. Based in Thailand, Dominique supports the implementation of diverse VAW prevention programmes, in both humanitarian and development contexts, across Asia and the Pacific region.

Nivea Saldanha, Senior Program Officer with The Asia Foundation’s Nabilan programme in Timor Leste on social norms change approaches to preventing violence against women. She is a feminist activist and creative training specialist supporting national partners PRADET and COVIDA in a co-implementation of a SASA! adaptation – KOKOSA!

Ritha Nyiratunga, Senior Associate for Capacity Development with the Prevention Collaborative. Ritha has experience with adaptation and implementation of violence prevention programmes. She worked with RWAMREC (Rwanda Men's Resource Centre) as the National Coordinator of Indashyikirwa, a GBV prevention programme that sought to shift beliefs and social norms that drive IPV among couples and in communities.

Register here.