Children at Front and Centre of Climate Action

Date: Dec 10, 2020
Time: 8:30am - 10:00am New York Time
Address: Online

World Vision is hosting a webinar, Children at Front and Centre of Climate Action, to celebrate Human Rights Day on Dec.10. This is an excellent occasion to discuss climate justice, children rights and green recovery. We will be launching a research report that explores the opinions of children and young people on climate change.

World Vision spoke to 121 children and young people from 12 countries (Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Romania, and Sierra Leone) and found that the perception of risk associated with climate change was high across all children and young people. Most of the respondents noted that climate change is affecting their communities and is therefore not an alien problem. Despite recurrent feelings of concern, most children and young people agreed that they did not want to be perceived as helpless victims of the climate crisis, but as competent agents of change who can engage fully in climate action.

Register here.